
Tips To Design A Cli Tool For A Service

5 cool things you can do with the Sanity CLI

Learn about 5 cool things you can do in the terminal with your Sanity project. Run sanity documents create --help to learn more about what this command can do. Export a dataset in a neat package and export assets to a dedicated folder. Create and edit a document in your favorite editor. Manage CORS settings with an easy way to add a new CORS origin right from the command line. Get an overview of your projects and get a view of all your projects in your account.


Knut Melvær Hacker Noon profile picture

@ kmelve

Knut Melvær

JSON wrangler // Head of Support & Developer Relations,

We 💖 CLIs! That's why we keep giving ours new powers. Learn about 5 cool things you can do in the terminal with your Sanity project. The last one is mindbending, we promise! 😇

At the Sanity Head Quarters, we live and breathe in the terminal. And honestly, we keep developing the Sanity CLI tool because we use it ourselves every day to interact with our structured content. I want to take this moment to share some of the cool things you can do with it.

Install the CLI by running npm install --global @sanity/cli in your terminal and get started with a project by running sanity init .

1. Query your data

                sanity documents query "*[_type == 'post']{_id, title}"              

You can do a couple of things with the sanity documents command, but one of those we use the most is the one for querying a dataset. Running this in your project folder will give you your data printed out right in the terminal. If you add --pretty, you'll get some nice highlighting too. This is handy for testing queries and exploring your content, but if you think about it, it's also a way to use those UNIX superpowers on your content. For example, you can use it to export your data to a csv file. I use it so often that I have added alias sdq="sanity documents query" to my shell configuration.

2. Export a dataset in a neat package

                sanity dataset export <datasetName>              

The whole point of a structured content management system is that it should be easy to get your content out of it. Usually that's by querying the API for the content you want, but sometimes, you want it all, at once, neatly packaged. This command exports all your documents in a.ndjson-file and your assets to a dedicated folder. It downloads a gzipped file, which you also can import to a new dataset with sanity dataset import. You can also, for example, unpack the file, run a find-and-replace-all operation on all your data, and import the dataset.ndjson file to a dataset again.


3. Manage CORS settings

CORS is a thing. It's easy to forget it when you're on a roll building your new frontend. Then it's nice to have an easy way to add a new CORS origin right from the command line. You can delete and list them out too.

4. Get an overview of your projects

Since you can have as many free developer plans as you desire, and starting a new project (sanity init) is rather easy, it doesn't take long before you have a handful of projects in your account. Then it's nice to have an easy way to list out all the projects with some key information tied to your account.

5. Create and edit a document in your favorite editor

                sanity documents create --id myDocId --watch --replace              

This command is my favorite. It creates a new document, opens it in the EDITOR you've set in your terminal (mine is export EDITOR='code -w'), and lets you live edit that document while it's being synced to the datastore. If you put an existing document id in the myDocId spot, you'll get that document and be able to edit it. Run sanity documents create --help to learn more about what this command can do.

It's truly headless when you can edit content live from your favorite editor.

Get started with Sanity by running this command in your terminal:

                npm install -g @sanity/cli && sanity init              

Originally published at .


# javascript# command-line# api# cms# programming

Tips To Design A Cli Tool For A Service


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